KuchuQwanzaa (KQ) is a 7-day celebration and expression of African-American LGBT cultural principles, values, and ideals. KuchuQwanzaa is a time to commemorate our rich history and societal contributions, as well as to observe our heritage and fellowship together in love and support within our communities. KuchuQwanzaa is in large part based on the traditional Kwanzaa holiday, but seeks to infuse queer ideology, principles, and values so as to establish a space for African-American LGBT folks to celebrate our unique culture, history, and contributions. In the spirit of inclusivity, we invite anyone who shares the core principles of KuchuQwanzaa to celebrate with us.

Like traditional Kwanzaa, Kuchu-Qwanzaa is observed from December 26th to January 1st each year, and features activities such as candle-lighting and pouring of libations, and culminating in a feast and gift giving.

KQ was founded in 2009  as a response to the isolation traditional holidays presented for LBGT people and color.  Kwanzaa was a great starting point for creating the holiday, however this holiday specifically incorporates the unique gifts and contributions of those in the LGBT communities.

KQ IS NOT a religious holiday and is not intended to replace or change current holiday practices but serves as a supplement or alternative to speak to the needs of Black LGBT communities and their allies.